
Say Goodbye to Staples with the Staple Free Stapler

I love seedless watermelon.

Who wants to deal with those pesky seeds (spitting sounds).

So when I found out that there was such a thing as a staple-less stapler, I had to check it out.

Of course, we've all experienced the joy of unjamming a traditional stapler or, if we've run out of staples, being frustrated that we didn't have enough to finish the job.

Well, a staple-free or staple-less stapler solves both of those problems.

There's no staples!

So there is nothing to un-jam, there is nothing to run out of.

So how does a staple-less stapler work?

It uses a cut and fold method.

Let me staple these 2 pages together.

You'll see that it makes 2 cuts, a larger cut here and then a tiny slit at the top, which it uses to slip that piece of paper up to the top.

That's how it makes the bond between pages.

As a result, this is not going to be nearly as strong as a typical or a metal stapler.

But I find for most things around the house, whether it's receipts, most of the things that I need to staple are only 2 or 3 pages in depth anyhow.

This is perfect.

This is perfect for most things around the house.

Because of this cut and fold method, it's interesting that it actually makes a stronger bond the more pieces of paper that you use.

Here I've got a stack of 4 sheets, and this is actually an even tighter bond between the pages than it was between just the 2 sheets of paper.

You'll see right on the front that this is limited to 5 sheets, so you're not going to be stapling a booklet together.

You're not going to be stapling something that has a lot of pages together.

It's also very convenient.

As you can see, it's quite small and really designed to fit easily in your hand.

It doesn't take much effort to use and is very safe if you have a family with kids around.

You don't have to hide this away.

No one is going to pinch their fingers in there.

It's only paper that can fit into that slit.

A staple-free stapler can be purchased for less than $10 at your local office supply store.

So if you don't already own one, you can easily pick one up and check it out for yourself.

No staples and easy to use?

It's very simple.

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