What this video is all about
Believe it or not, I have never actually used ClickUp before. Despite its popularity over the last few years, this is one project management tool that I've never laid my fingers on.
So in this video, I'm gonna use ClickUp for the very first time. Now, usually I'm the one doing the teaching, but I'm looking forward to your comments so you can point out where I went wrong and what I should be looking for here as I evaluate this tool.
So ready to take a look at ClickUp for the first time with me? Let's go. (electronic whooshing)
Okay, so here I am within ClickUp and I have literally just signed up a few minutes ago. Now I've purposely decided to evaluate and to play around with ClickUp here without using a template.
I know that ClickUp has a variety of templates and that can be a great way to get started here. But in order for me to get familiar and really sort of feel my way around ClickUp, I purposely decided not to use a template.
Now I do realize, or at least I have read that ClickUp does have a hierarchy which is very flexible. So if this is my main workspace account, I've got something called a space, and then I can create folders within that space, and then lists I'm gonna assume within the folders themselves.
I'm not sure if we need a folder each time or if we can just go directly to a list, but here I've got a space, or I guess that would maximize it here. If I click up here on space, I'm assuming I can rename it here.
That seems to be just like a search for an icon here or something like that. Well, why don’t we give it an icon? Let's give it like a power.
Okay, but I want to change the name. I can't do it there.
Space, settings. Okay, that makes a little more sense. A few clicks there to get that.
But I guess if this is your department name, then that's a bit different, right? So let's say that this is marketing, review changes.
Okay, you're probably not gonna be changing this that frequently, so I get that. So let's say that is marketing.
Creating a new ClickUp Space
If I want to create a new space, do I click on everything? That's gonna show me everything.
Oh, here, spaces. I'm gonna say, add new. And I'm gonna add a new space.
I kind of like the graphics here that we're looking at a planet here or Saturn or something like that. And let's say that this is my sales department or my sales space.
And for sales, I'll give them a key and a color. That's kind of nice that you can add a color to the icon itself.
Okay, and we can either make it private or a workspace. Let's keep it open.
Okay, so it looks like there's quite a few things here when you're creating a space. But I guess that makes sense. Again, like I said before, if this is gonna be sort of a department level or higher level.
So we've got some templates here, Kanban. Yeah, I’m kind of.
Okay, so if you toggle between these things, you'd get different types of statuses. I guess you can add your own done statuses to consider.
Oh, okay. So you can choose what is done and closed. Okay, well, let's keep things fairly basis.
I’m gonna choose a Kanban. How about that? Keep it nice. And I’m not gonna add anything new here.
I understand that yeah, I could add something new here if I wanted to. I guess you could add a done and then create that as a done status.
Not exactly sure. I’m not gonna waste my time clicking on learn more. I’m having more fun exploring here.
So I’m gonna hit next in this case. And then we've got a variety of click apps which I’m gonna assume are sort of power ups, extensions, things that are added on.
I’m just gonna leave it as is hoping that some of those things will help me.
Required views versus a default view template. So again, I’m gonna stick pretty standard here.
I’ve got a board view. I like a calendar view when I’m working on my projects.
So maybe I’ll just turn that one on. We’ll just take a look at those three at the first place.
And then here, we've already seen this menu when I renamed that first status here. Or that first space, I should say.
Okay, let's create it. Let's create that space. And so now I've got sales and I've got marketing.
Sales has a list, right? Because I guess that's the list that I created with those different levels or statuses.
So let's start adding a few things here.
Adding tasks to a ClickUp List
This is sales. So let's review our sales numbers. How about that? As a task, I’m just hitting enter.
And I like, I can go directly to the next task. Let's call our former clients and let's add something else here.
Let's say, let's set up, set up new phone campaign, something like that.
Okay, so quick and easy. I like that I can just hit enter and select the next task. This does, it treated that as another task, didn't that?
Oh, no, it didn't. It’s just waiting for a task. Good. It always bugs me when something like a sauna where you create a new task and then it just, it keeps it as an actual task here.
Okay, so I've got my different tasks. Let's assign it to me. I’m the only one here.
So we’ll assign, how about two of these to me. Let's give a couple of these a due date.
Hmm, a lot of information here with the calendar. I really like that you can scroll. That's a nice touch here that I don’t have to hit an arrow over or something like that.
So that's a nice touch. And I also like this as well. This is one of my favorite things when it comes to some of my email extensions.
So this is nice. Later, tomorrow, this weekend, next week, again, rather than always having to use a calendar, I like that ability.
So let's say tomorrow, let's hit tomorrow. So that's nice and quick. I do like that.
Due date, when is it? Uh, it's next week. Boom, I don’t have to open up the calendar and select a particular day. I like that a lot.
And then we've got a priority here. Urgent, high, normal, low, clear. These look pretty static.
I wonder if these are editable. If you know if these are editable, let me know in the comments.
Let's just say that this one is high and let's say that this one is normal.
And just for fun, let's say that this one is low. Okay, now the plus is going to allow me to add, okay, so we've got custom fields here, which I haven’t set up any of these, so maybe I’ll stay away from that for now.
So these are the hidden fields. Okay, so we've got all these other things available to us here.
So it sounds like I could add that to, oh, sorry. This is just adding it directly to the view here.
But if I want to come in here, let's click and open up this task
Viewing Task details in ClickUp
And I’m sure I can add all that information within here if I need to.
So let's see, if I wanted a start date, or do I have to add that at the beginning?
Maybe I have to add that? Dependencies, edit tags, attachments, add a checklist, history.
Hmm, okay. So if I need to add further, oh, it knows that I’m using Toggl. So there we go. Great.
And I wonder if that has to do with this timer. Toggl is a time-tracking app that I've been using on a regular basis, but it looks like you can track your time right here within ClickUp, which again, is a nice feature that you don’t have to do that with a third party or something like that.
So I can track how much time I’m spending on this. I guess the next step is open or it's in the open status, let's say in progress.
Okay, and it gives us some helpful click or some quick keys, which because this is my first time today, you're probably gonna see a lot of those suggestions, right?
I've got a little undo there if I needed to go back. So let me see, if I close this now and let's say, okay, so it's gotten my different list in progress and open.
Can I drag open to the top? I would have, I almost would've assumed, or I guess it's doing it by due date.
I guess I can sort these by different, no, due date is further out than this one. So I can collapse it, but can I actually move?
I would have assumed that open would be first and then moving into in progress, but let's open up something else and let's move it to review.
Now let's see, where does that show up on this list? So, hmm. Okay, I’m a little confused or I guess I’m just not clear on this ordering here.
If it has something to do with the last time I clicked the option here or if this is default.
If I drag this, I understand I could probably drag that into in progress. Can I? No. Oh, there.
Oh, that's a sub task. Okay. What if I don’t want it as a sub task? I guess I can undo.
That's the nice thing about undo. But yeah, curious about these orders.
If I can change the order or is the completed always gonna be on the top first?
Maybe list settings. That makes a lot of sense. I wonder if there was probably a default, a default sort order or something along those lines.
But let's come over here and hit plus because maybe I want to, I guess this is mostly just lists, right?
This actually is an additional field, start date. So if I say start date, so I've got one there.
So if I open this up, is that something new that now appears? Did I not see that before?
Or was start date somewhere else? Can I view the start date here? I don’t see a place, due date.
A due date. But that is different than a start date.
So definitely a lot of options I can see. There's a lot of places that you can click on.
I've been told many times before that there is a bit of a steep learning curve here
Viewing ClickUp tasks in different ways
Within ClickUp. So, okay, well, let's leave this at that.
I've got my different lists here. Let's take a look at some of the other boards or the other views I should say.
So if I click on the board view, sort of expecting, exactly, I’m just sort of expecting what I want here.
I should be able to click things over and put them in a different level here.
So pretty standard stuff. If I can click on that.
I do like that. You can click directly on the calendar.
It looks like you can do quite a few things directly from sort of the card front or the task front itself.
So that's sort of quick and easy. And of course, I’ll be able to expand it and edit the task there as well.
Calendar view. Yeah, pretty standard. Looks almost very similar to Google Calendar.
And I imagine that you can sync this with your calendar via a URL or something along those lines.
Sync with calendar. I’m not gonna dive too far into that at this point. But, okay. So we've got a list here.
How does that differ from a folder? So if I go back to sales here, this is where we have this list.
Create a folder or a list. I’m gonna say folder this time. And so I dunno, let's say this is team A.
Okay, so this is the team A folder. Lists. Yeah, that list can be underneath it.
Share folder with task statuses. Okay, so I’m gonna say create folder.
And so I guess I've got this list is within this folder. So I can add more lists, right?
So I've got lists there. Let's add, yeah. Well, let's add list two 'cause we've got list one here.
Create that list. And maybe just one other one.
I’m probably not doing this as quickly or in the most efficient manner. There's probably some other quick keys in which you could create further lists here.
But okay, so I've got my different lists here. Can I drag those in? Yes, I can drag that into a much better order.
So these are all under this folder of team A. And then I don’t have any lists under marketing.
Let's create something called the marketing list. How about that? And say, create.
Okay, so now I've got at least one list but I don’t have many tasks here.
Let's say task number one. How about that? And task number two.
Okay, so I've got a list there and I've got a list here. So if I want to click on sales, I’m gonna get everything within sales.
I’ll admit that these sort of pop-ups here in the lower left-hand corner are relatively large. I’m sure they don’t change just because I’m a newbie.
They're almost sort of blocking my view here. So this is my list within sales and I’m not gonna see anything under, oh, and then here's my other list, team A.
Yeah, list. Oh, team A list. Oh, so I didn’t get everything.
Yeah, this list is outside side of team A. So I guess if I created another folder, I could put my first list, this list underneath it.
So a different way of grouping things. But I’ll admit, giving you a lot more flexibility in terms of how you group that information.
It's still gonna allow you to, I guess change what you see here and the statuses and everything else that comes along with it.
Okay, well, let's open up something here. And let's add a sub task, which it looks like we can add right from the beginning of the card.
So this is gonna be sub task one. And yeah, that's pretty fluid that you can just quickly and easily enter in additional sub tasks here.
And I imagine the sub tasks have all the same capability as a regular task. They're just gonna be grouped together under this master task.
We've got tags here, which makes a lot of sense. So if I say this is an email task, I can just say email.
Let's say that this is, for some reason, this is a phone call perhaps in this case. So I hit phone.
And hmm, can I change the, I’m sure I can change the color. There we go. Change the color.
I’m surprised that by default it made it such a close color to the one above.
If I say something here like this is a meeting, wow, it's really going with that reddish, pinkish, almost forcing you, I would say, forcing you to come in here and change the color, right?
Because you'd want it to stand out a bit more, right? Wouldn’t you want your tags to stand out a bit more?
And then we could group it by, can we group it by tags? Yeah, that's nice.
Although I guess they're all in the sub tasks here. So that maybe isn’t the best example to show or to use in this case, but we can do the sub tasks there as well.
If I click on sub tasks. Okay, collapse, expand all. Gotcha here.
Now I’m sure that there are many of you who have been using ClickUp for some time. I’d love to hear from you next.
Where did I go wrong? And what should I be looking for next? Especially since ClickUp does have a relatively steep learning curve.
Be sure to share your feedback and your thoughts in the comments down below.
Thank you so much for watching this video. And remember, being productive does not need to be difficult. In fact, it's very simple.