How can you help a friend or a colleague improve their productivity? Let's find out in today's video.
Hello everyone, Scott Friesen here at Simpletivity, the place to get more done and enjoy less stress. And you know, I'm always looking for your comments and your suggestions as to what you would like to see next here on the channel.
Recently I got a great suggestion from Neil. Neil says how can I help other people get on board with productivity methods when they don't have much of a system at all?
Neil, I think that is a fantastic question and something that a lot of us can relate to. You may have a friend or a co-worker who is always complaining about how busy they are and how they can't get all of the things done that they want to get done.
So in today's video, I'm going to offer three suggestions on how you can help others improve their productivity. So when you want to help others with their productivity, here's my number one suggestion—don't share everything.
Dont Share Everything
Sometimes when we have found a method or perhaps a productivity tool that works really well for us, we get so excited. And as a result, we want to share all of the benefits and all of the features of that particular application.
However, there can be a negative consequence to this approach. The person who is listening to us may feel overwhelmed by all the information that they are receiving.
So instead of sharing everything, I recommend that you share one key highlight. What's the number one benefit that that system or perhaps that tool has been to you?
Just focus on that one key benefit and share that with the person that you're speaking to. In this way, there is a much greater chance that they may remember the things that you've shared and they may want to come back to you for further information.
Now my next suggestion relates to productivity tools or applications. Once again, we may get very excited about the tools that we use to help us stay productive and as a result, we may send out invitations to other people around us.
However, this may actually backfire. When someone else receives an invitation to a website or to an application that they know nothing about, they are less likely to actually install or even try it out.
Worse yet, they may actually be offended by your invitation when they don't have any prior knowledge about what it actually does. So instead, I recommend that you stay focused.
Stay Focused
Stay focused on sharing one key benefit. Show them how this tool makes managing your calendar so much easier.
Show them how this particular app makes capturing notes that much simpler. As a result, they may actually ask or request an invitation or for you to send them a link.
So don't send any unsolicited invitations to others. Wait for them to make the request of you.
Show Patience
Now my third and final suggestion for you helping your friends or colleagues with their productivity is this—don't get frustrated. It's important that we show patience as we extend an arm and help those around us.
I know it can feel frustrating to see other people struggle with their to-do list or to miss deadlines on a regular basis. But if we show patience, it's much more likely that they will want to continue the conversation and ask further questions.
Remember, it didn't just take you a few hours to find the perfect workflow or the right productivity app for you. Chances are it took several weeks or perhaps even months to find the ideal system for yourself.
And your friend or colleague may need just as much time to find the right individual system for them. So let's show patience as we share our knowledge about productivity with others.
So I would love to hear from you next. What has your experience been with sharing productivity methods or productivity tools with others?
And of course, I'd love to hear your suggestions as well as to what you'd like to see next here on this Simpletivity channel. So be sure to leave me a comment down below.
Thank you so much for watching. If you liked this video, be sure to give it a thumbs up, leave me a comment, and don't forget to subscribe.
And if you'd like to see more Simpletivity, you can watch another video right here. Remember, being productive does not need to be difficult—in fact, it's very simple.