New views update and who can access
(whoosh) - Since the very beginning, Trello has been synonymous with a board view or a Kanban style of managing our projects, until now.
Trello now has introduced five new views, and I'm going to show you everything you need to know, on how to access and how to use these views, as a part of your Trello experience.
Hello everyone, Scott Friesen here, at Simpletivity, helping you to get more done and enjoy less stress.
And this is a very exciting time to be a Trello user because there are some special features that have yet to come, but there are five brand new views that you can access right now.
Map view in Trello
So let's get started. Here in the top left-hand corner of any board, you're going to see a new dropdown.
Now it's going to show or list the view that you are currently looking at, and probably by default, it's going to be the traditional board view.
But if we click this, we can see that we have a number of other options available to us here.
So let's go through them one by one.
The first one here is a Map View.
So if I click on this map view, I have a couple of cards already, that have some location data.
So here you can see, we've got these little blue pushpins.
If I select them, it's going to show me the card, and I happen to have an image on these cards as well, that I can see, a little snapshot view of the data of that card.
If I come back down or if I zoom back out, I can click on this other one, I can see this card, and if I click on it itself, I can open up that card and start to work away at it.
If I close it, I'll be returned back to this Map View.
So, how do we access this Map View?
Now you may be familiar with this because until recently, this view used to be included in a Trello Power-Up.
However, that Power-Up is no more.
The only way that you can access the Map View is now by using this view here.
So let's go back to our traditional Trello board.
I'm going to open up one of these cards that already has location data, and you can see it's even going to give you a small mini map so you can actually view that inside the card.
But if we go and open up another card that does not have location data, you'll see here on the right-hand side just below attachment, there is now a location button.
So if we click on this button, and if we start to type in something here, let's just type in an address of some kind.
It's going to bring up the same type of results that you would expect from Google.
So I'm going to click on this address here.
Now you can see it's been added to this card.
Now you can only have one location per card.
You can't be adding multiple locations.
So this can be a great use in my example, for something like real estate, or suppliers, or client locations, whenever the card is going to represent something to a single location.
Now we can open up that Map View even by clicking on the miniature map here itself.
If I click on that, it's going to immediately bring open that map view.
So I can start to look at its surrounding areas as well.
And I can even add a card from this view as well, but if we go back here, if I need to change it, all I need to do is either select the button again and I can start to type in a new address, or if I come down to this mini view I can select the more option and select change location or I can remove it if I want to as well.
So as mentioned, although this is not an entirely brand new view moving from a Power-Up to this dropdown, now you don't have to enable or waste a Power-Up or manage something additional.
You always have that location feature available to you.
Timeline view in Trello
Let's go to the next one, which is really exciting.
And that is our Timeline View.
This is sort of a simplified Gantt chart view right here within Trello, and I think this is maybe the most exciting view of everything that's been introduced here.
So here we can see I've got a view of some of my tasks on this board, and although some of them may have a singular due date in terms of they're only encompassed on a single day, you can see that I've got other cards, that surpass a few days or maybe even a few weeks.
Something that you may have noticed in the last few months is that Trello has now incorporated a start date into your cards.
We've moved away from just having a due date, we now have a start date as well.
So here we can see the two different drop-downs, here's the start date, and here's the due date.
And if I go and start to add a brand new card, or open up a card that doesn't have a due date, I'm going to click on that due date option.
Here you can see there is a start date checkbox, so you don't have to initiate this.
You don't have to have a separate start date.
You can stay with just the due date.
And if I check this box, now I can pick a start date and an end date.
So here you can see that this particular card is scheduled to start on the 9th, and then finish on the 25th.
I can hit save.
And now I have both of those dates listed here.
If we go back and select our Timeline View, now you can see that crazy idea is now included in this view.
Now, as you saw me do already, I can click on any one of these and open up that card, I can make edits and changes here, and then close that and come back to this view.
But with any type of helpful Gantt chart view, maybe the most important feature here, is that you can shrink or expand these dates by clicking and dragging.
So if I need to move this and say, I can't start this until Thursday, I'm going to drag it there.
Now it should be noted that that does not affect the end date.
It does not give us the capability to click and drag and move the entire project.
So let's say if you have something that spans seven days that you just shift those seven days over, you do have to at least from this view, move it manually both the start and the end date, to your desired location.
However, in one of the other additional views, I'm going to show you how you can do this in a workaround type of method.
So this can be really helpful seeing our cards in this project view, but we can also see it in a few different ways.
Over here we have a drop down that allows us to break it down by member.
So here you can see on the left-hand side now I'm viewing these different cards and these different tasks by the members assigned.
The default here is list.
So you have the list on the left-hand side, but we can choose to view that by member and see if there's any overlap here.
We can choose a label view, if we want to see the different labels on the left-hand side, or we can choose none, which will have nothing listed here on the far left-hand side.
Calendar view in Trello
All right, let's keep going and look at a new Calendar View.
So yes, this is actually a little bit different than the Calendar Power-Up.
First things first, you can see that we can witness both the start and the due date at the same time.
So no longer, is everything just listed on a single day.
If I go back to the traditional Calendar Power-Up, you can see that nothing spans across those dates.
It is only showing things on the due date.
So that's one of the nice things of this Calendar View.
It's showing us both the beginning, the start date, and when that task is due.
Now here's that workaround that I wanted to show you, coming from the Timeline View, which does not yet allow you to drag things across.
Let's say, I'm looking at this another sub task card here.
And I want to start it on Monday.
But I want to drag the entire project back.
All I need to do is click and drag it.
I can drag it to the 15th, and you will notice that the end date moves with it.
Let's do that again, just so you can see the difference.
We're starting on the 15th, and we're ending on the 24th.
But if I want to bump this up a week, I'm going to bump it up here, you can see now that that end date is now the 17th.
The entire project moved with it.
So you might want to use the Calendar View in conjunction with the Timeline View depending on how you're managing your cards.
Again, we can click on any one of these, go into the card, and then come back directly to the Calendar View.
Now, the one thing that you should note is that unlike the traditional Calendar Power-Up, you cannot scroll forever.
Here you can see I'm looking at the month of February, and I can't scroll beyond, before the month of February or beyond the first week of March in this particular case.
I do need to use this arrow to go to another area here.
And depending on where you're wanting to drag those new calendar events, that may be a limitation.
I would imagine that Trello is going to address that.
Dashboard view in Trello
in an upcoming releas. Let's continue on with our different views here.
And this is something that Trello users have been asking for for a very long time.
And that is a Dashboard View.
You've got so many cards, you've got so much data staring back at you, give us a valuable summary, so we can see what's going on.
What we've seen right here is the Default View, what you're first going to see when opening up the dashboard, but the good news is that we can edit all of this information.
So just a couple of examples here.
We've got cards per lists.
So we can see that we're sort of evenly broken down here in this particular case in terms of how many cards are in that list.
Here, we have cards per due date.
And I think this is quite interesting, right?
To narrow throw in and zero in what is overdue, what's complete, and what is coming up, or maybe when we want to address those things that have no due date at all.
Now, one of the disappointing things to note is that we can't actually click on any of these data sets.
So for example, if I just want to see a summary of all of those cards that don't have a due date, I can't actually click on it, it is only a visual.
A couple of other examples that they include by default are cards by members and cards per label.
But you'll notice in the top right-hand corner, of each of these charts, we have an edit or delete option.
So I can come in here and I can select edit, and I can say, I would rather look at this as a pie chart, and yes, I want to keep it as cards per member.
So I'm going to say edit tile.
Now I've got the same information, but I've got it displayed in a way which is maybe just a little more convenient for me.
If I don't want this to be shown on my dashboard, I can just choose delete.
Now down below, you'll see there's always going to be a plus option, so you can start from scratch.
Maybe I want a line chart, and this time I want to see the timeframe from the past two weeks.
So I'm going to say add tile, it's going to take just a moment here, and here you can see a bit of a breakdown of what has been going on on my board.
Now, another caveat is that you can not click and drag these data sets to a different area.
So if I want something like this, to appear in my top corner here, I would actually have to delete everything above it, and then recreate them down below.
Again, something that I imagine Trello will add in as a future feature set.
But this can be great if there's maybe two or three pieces of information, that you or your team wants to see immediately, you can create your own customized dashboard, and get that glance of what's going on in your Trello boards.
Team Table view in Trello
Now last but not least, we've maybe saved the most powerful view, of how we can not only see things on this particular Trello board, but on multiple Trello boards.
And that is the Team Table.
Now, when you choose Team Table, it's actually going to open up a new tab within your browser.
You can actually see here I'm within my business class account, and you can see the other tabs that you may be familiar with here.
Now, there is a note at the top here that this is still in a Beta version.
In fact, this is something that's been available to business class users for several months, even starting back in 2020.
But let me show you how you can get the most out of this Table View.
So in this case, because I launched it from this particular board, I'm only seeing the cards from that board.
But already this can be a very helpful step.
Here I can actually change what list a card is in if I want to do so from here.
And I can do that with the other columns as well.
Maybe I want to add or remove another label, I can do that here, I can change or add members right here from this screen.
So I've got a lot of great information, and I can make these updates.
I can even check things off if I need to complete a certain card as well.
It also makes it very helpful here in the top right-hand corner, we have a few quick filters.
So if I click on this option, I can just narrow down and look at the cards that are only assigned to me, for example, or maybe I only want to see things that are due in the next week.
So it's going to narrow things down and give us this great filtering capability.
However, its real strength is that we can add multiple boards.
So let me go back to all cards here for just a second.
And I'm going to add some additional boards to view here.
So if I select this add boards option, I'm going to choose this Best Trello Power-Ups board, and let me select just another board here as a demonstration.
So now you can see we've got a lot more cards, we've got a snapshot of some of the different colors of those boards here, but now I can use some of the same quick filters, or I can sort from the top if I want to here, I can sort that information.
And pull in that information from multiple places.
So if I say, you know what is assigned to me, for example, it's going to bring it in from multiple boards.
Now, once you've got the view that you like, let's say you filtered it a specific way and you've added the three or four boards that you want to see in this view, what you need to do is select this bookmark option.
So by selecting this, Trello is going to give you a unique link, which you can copy to your clipboard.
And now, you can either add it as a bookmark within your browser if you need to get back to this quickly, or you can share it with others, you can share it via email, for example, with other members of your team.
What's important to note, and they stress it right here in their language, is that people with this link will only see boards they have permissions for.
So you don't have to worry if you've added multiple boards that maybe some of the people that you're sharing this link with don't have access to.
Don't worry, they're not going to be able to see that information down here.
It's going to filter those ones out.
It's going to keep those things safe or keep them private.
So you can have your own customized view of information across multiple boards, and see them in a variety of different ways.