Struggling to find what you're looking for in Google Calendar? We can fix that! This video will show you how to navigate your calendar like a pro using:
You probably already spend a lot of time here within Google Calendar, so let's make it easier for you to find the dates and the events that you're looking for and get to where you need to be a lot quicker. First off, let's take a look at one of my favorite shortcut keys, which is the letter G. If we select G on our keyboard, this go-to date, dialogue appears in front of us. So if I want to quickly jump ahead to the month of September, I don't even have to write in the full month. I'm just going to enter in SEP and hit enter on my keyboard and immediately I am brought to September. What was I doing last November? Well, let's just type in November, 2023, hit enter, and I'm immediately brought back to that timeframe as well. So hitting G on your keyboard is going to be the fastest way to jump to a particular date, but rather than type in today's date, what if we are somewhere in the past or somewhere in the future? In that case, we want to use the letter T on our keyboard. Yes, T for today. We could, of course, always take our cursor and come all the way up here and select the today button, but why make all that effort when we can just select T on our keyboard and come directly to today's date? Now, there's a couple of other shortcut keys that I want you to be made aware of, and they're tucked up here within our different views. You're probably already aware of the different types of views we have available to us, including a day, week, month, and year view. And you can see that the shortcut keys conveniently start with the first letter D for day W for week, and so on. But if you don't want to waste your time searching for these different letters on your keyboard, I've got an even faster way in which you can do. So all six of these views also correspond with the numbers one through six on our keyboard. Let me show you how, if I type in the number one, that's going to be our day view. Number two is our week view. Three is our month view. Four is going to be our custom view. This is the custom view we set up in settings. More on that in just a moment. Five is going to be our schedule view, a view that I often don't use enough, but I do find very helpful. And then six is going to bring us our yearly or our annual view. So this is a much faster way as I cycle through my different views, I can use my keypad, I can use the numbers on my keyboard to quickly go through these particular views. Now, if you want to set up your custom view here, you can see that mine is set for two weeks. Let's use the shortcut key S to get us into settings. Otherwise, we'd have to hit the gear icon and then select settings. Oh my goodness, that's two whole clicks. Let's just hit S on our keyboard, go directly to settings, and then come down to view options. And here you can see under our dropdown menus, we can set a custom view. Now we've got a number of different choices available. Anything from between two days all the way out to four weeks. Yes, I bet you didn't realize that you could even have a custom view of two or three weeks in advance. Or maybe you just want something like three days. I'm going to set it to three days, and there's no need to hit save. There's no save button. Actually here within Google Calendar settings, everything is automatically saved. So if I come back here and if I select my custom view of three days, I'm going to get those three days on the screen in front of me. But here is the last and bonus tip and something that I bet you didn't know you could do with Google Calendar. If we come over here to the mini calendar, which of course you're probably familiar with going to a specific date into the future or selecting a specific date on a calendar. But instead, if we click and drag, we can get those custom views in front of us at any duration, at any time. Let's say I just want to see next weekend. Let's say this Friday to this Sunday, I can now see those three dates, but what if I want more than three dates? Maybe I want next week, Monday through Friday, I'm going to click and drag. And when I release, I'm going to see that entire week. How about the last two weeks of this month and the beginning of next? I can do that here as well. So whenever you want to see a custom set of days, just remember that you can click and drag and view them immediately here within your calendar. I hope you enjoyed these Google Calendar tips and tricks and would love to hear from you. Next, what are some things that help you be more efficient as you navigate and use Google Calendar? And if you're wanting even more ways to get the most out of Google apps, be sure to visit and subscribe to our newsletter. Thank you so much for watching. And remember, being productive does not need to be difficult. In fact, it's very simple. And when you're ready, here are 2 ways I can help you: 1. 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